
Editor in Chief

  • Current Nutrition and Food Sciences, Bantam Science


  • Journal of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Scientific Reports, Nature

Associate Editor

  • Alexandria Engineering Journal, Elsevier
  • Bioengineered, Taylor & Francis
  • Innovative Technology & Management Journal
  • Current Biochemical Engineering, Bantam Science
  • The Open Microalgae Biotechnology, Open Bentam
  • Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental
  • Therapeutics
  • Applied Environmental Biotechnology
  • Environmental Science & Ecotechnology

Editorial Board

  • Environmental Technology & Innovation
  • Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials
  • Bioresource Technology
  • Biochemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier
  • BMC Energy, Springer Nature
  • International Journal of Bioprocess and Biotechnological Advances
  • Bioengineered (Taylor & Francis)
  • Current Nutrition & Food Science
  • Chinese Chemical Letters
  • Journal of Ionic Liquid
  • Sustainable Chemistry One World

Guest Editor for SCI-indexed Journals

  • Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
  • Science of the Total Environment
  • Phytochemistry Reviews
  • Materials Letters: X
  • Bioresource Technology
  • Clean Technologies & Environmental Policy
  • BMC Energy
  • Processes
  • Current Nutrition & Food Science
  • Bioengineered
  • Journal of Chemistry